
Meet The New SpyZooka 5.3

Get the best security and optimization

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New Release June 10th, 2024

What’s new in SpyZooka

  • Modern, New Look

  • New Automated Features

  • Faster Startup & Scanning

  • New Optimization Tools

  • Real Time Startup Monitor

  • Imoroved Security

Pick your level of security and optimization




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$39.95 Yearly

Optimize Startup And Browsers

Improve Windows and your internet
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Tuneup Registry

Make it run like new
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Real Time Startup Monitor

Stop unwanted programs before they slow down your PC
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Hardware Analyzer

See problems before they start
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Real Time Uninstaller

Automatically remove unwanted leftover files and registry entries
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Automated Full Scan And Removal

Spyware, junk files, registry issues and tracking cookies
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Daily Spyware Updates

Automatically stay secure with daily spyware updates
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Automated Software Updates

New releases every 2-4 weeks with new features, improvements and bug fixes
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Daily U.S. Based Support

Daily email and chat support from inhouse SpyZooka support
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$39.95 Yearly

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